Akron Design-2-Part Show
John S. Knight Center
Harvey S Firestone Room
Thursday, October 25, 2018, 7:45 to 8:45 a.m.
FACEBOOK- ADWORDS - INSTAGRAM....where do you put your efforts?
If you have the responsibility for marketing of your contract manufacturing facility and want to learn where and how to allocate your marketing efforts that work best for manufacturers, then come to our seminar. It is a roundtable discussion so submit your questions topics or concerns so that we can maximize the time you spend at our event.
Booth video samples filmed at a recent Design-2-Part Show :
No Preparation needed • No Scripts • No Stress
Filmed interview style to bring out your best sales pitch
Everyone gets nervous... and trying to prepare a script is painful. We ELIMINATE all of the pain by interviewing you. We ask the questions, prompt you what to say and even help you think about ways to communicate YOUR services. We have over 30 years of marketing contract manufacturers so we know what engineers and buyers want to know about you!
While your booth video is a third party endorsement, the best type of marketing available (someone else endorsing you is always better than tooting your own horn), your booth video can have all show information removed for your own use for an additional fee.
Show endorsement video shot at your booth
Private label version
Not only does your video act as a follow up to everyone who sees you at the booth but your video will rank high on a google search. Try it for yourself!
Google the words:
Low Volume Plastics and see for yourself
Video is no longer just a sales tool. Video is the foundation of your total digital marketing plan when done right. Video plays well on Facebook, Link'd-in and YOUTUBE and can actually work better for your search results on Google than a website. We can explain how when you contact us.
Your video is also part of the largest YOUTUBE channel for American Contract Manufacturers, which gives you exposure to thousands of engineers, buyers and OEM's who need your contract parts and services.
It's a follow up sales tool to attach to your email after meeting someone.
It's a video tour of your capabilities to use on your website.
It's a SEARCH tool that shows up on Google and YOUTUBE searches.